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Iraqi Network for Social Media ( INSM)

May 14, 2011

Student Eye in Numbers: A History of Continuous Success

After 9 months of continuous works and accomplishments, Student Eye publishes surprising numbers on its 
Student Eye as the first and only independent student media at the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani publishes numbers that show the great success achieved by the small team of Student Eye in a very short time.

Student Eye has been visited 51, 025 times!
While in August 2010, Student Eye had only 990 visits, it had more than 8550 visits in April 2011 only!

The grave below shows the huge increase in the number of Student Eye readers!

According to the numbers, AUI-S has an average 200 page visits daily! There are days that Student Eye is visited more than 900 times! 

Most of the visits have been from Iraq followed by the United States of America, Canada and United Kingdom. This map shows the places in the world which have most of the visits to Student Eye. 

Here is a chart of the countries that Student Eye gets most of the visits from:

United States
United Kingdom

On Google search, if you write the words "Student Eye", Student Eye is the first result!

Most of the Student Eye posts have more than 100 visitors, but some of them have broken the record by been viewed more than 500-1000 times. Here is a list of the top viewed posts: 

Oct 26, 2010, 78 comments
3,461 Pageviews
Jan 16, 2011, 5 comments
933 Pageviews
Apr 8, 2011, 58 comments
607 Pageviews
Oct 23, 2010, 3 comments
555 Pageviews
Feb 19, 2011, 27 comments
467 Pageviews
Feb 19, 2011, 19 comments
457 Pageviews
Nov 6, 2010, 60 comments
454 Pageviews
Apr 2, 2011, 35 comments
453 Pageviews
Feb 20, 2011, 8 comments
420 Pageviews
Apr 1, 2011, 40 comments

The total comments on our posts are : 1152 which doesn't include the comments we have removed
due to an inappropriate language. 

For all of this, we are thankful for our loyal and cooperative readers who have helped us continue with
enthusiasm despite all the pressure put on Student Eye.

Stay tuned, these numbers are going to be even bigger!

More changes are coming to Student Eye!

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