by: Karwan Gaznay
Sometimes when we talk about something, which is arguable, is hard to be believed, but when the realty occurs to you personally, then there is nothing can refute your concepts. This real example occurred to me, once I had a writing exam, and it must have been taken in the computer labs.
My teacher respectfully and favorably asked us to go to the lab and take the exam. So we went to there and done with the exam, but poorly the printers were sort of angry. They didn’t work. Hm!
My teacher respectfully and favorably asked us to go to the lab and take the exam. So we went to there and done with the exam, but poorly the printers were sort of angry. They didn’t work. Hm!
The problem was frustrated, thus my teacher called IT staff servers to come and fix the issue. After a moment, a “genius” worker came from IT, and he entered the class with a soft smile but not with knowledge to shot the problem! What did he do?
Aha, thanks for asking,
Well, he opened the printer as usual, and he looked at it to be pretended that he was knowledgeable; and he said that he is fixing the problem.
My teacher realized that waiting for the printer is useless, so he asked us to send him the exam, THE EXAM. ! Hello AUI-S! Also, there were other teachers whose students had the same exam, so they wretchedly asked the students to print their exams. The “industrious” gentleman who came from IT Department had to push a button on the printer to print for every paper at a time, so he pushed the button more than 55 times, is not it interesting?
Beside the printers’ problems, there are many other problems that have to be brought to the table. We have 158 computers and five computer labs, but it seems to me one and sometimes nothing because lots of times I’ve been there without being able to check my email. The problem is not because of the lack of computers, but the problem is computers which don’t work. But AUI-S has 19 members, so why don’t they fix these problems? Yes, but no matter how many members AUI-S has because the matter is that how many of them are proficient?
Even if there are unfilled spaces, the wheel of death, the circle which leads you to reach into the programs, drives you nuts. It is common that one wants to check his, her email, but the person has to wait for a while until the circle, which sometimes takes more than 10 minutes, gets you into the computer programs. It’s ok, take a nap!
Also, there are many guidelines that tell no one can use mobiles in the lab and talk because it is forbidden, but sometimes there are some staff members who talk on the phone confidently. Take it easy!
Unfortunately for the IT staff members because there is another enhancement problem, which is the teachers` projectors that do not work. The projectors mostly don’t work, and the IT technicians come to fix them in the middle of the classes, good “pause” for the students.
These above problems are not my biggest concerns about AUI-S IT staff members. What really stops me is that AUI-S IT Department has 19 employees, and their salaries are approximately between $ 1000-2000. This is my biggest apprehension because I don’t figure it out what AUI-S “wastes” this countless amount of money for? If we calculate this money, which I am sure is much more than my calculations because mine is just estimation; it is almost $ 28500, which AUI-S can bring more specialized people and spend less. I am really inquisitive to know where the IT staff got their certifications, which are doubtful, because their experience about internet and computer problems is “out of measure”.
*Karwan Gaznay is an International Studies and Political Science Freshman at the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani
19 Comments: on "Is that all What IT Department can do?"
And where exactly are these "specialized people" going to come from for $1000 a month? The IT department is all Iraqis. No foreigner will come to Iraq for that money!!!!
Where do you get your facts? There are only 2 or 3 people that are fixing the computers, the other people are working in the data center (servers), networking and on the website!! They fix 200 lab computers plus computers from staff and faculty, maybe a total 400 computers. Only 3 people do that! You complain how they always come into class when someone has a problem? Interesting!
Let`s say that there are only three people that are fixing the computers. But, hey, shouldn`t they be expert in their fields? How could it be possible that some of them don`t know how how to plug in a USB flash into a port? One day I had a problem with my flash, so I went to IT Department in the hope of fixing it. But I became very disappointed because they even didn`t know how to plug in a USB flash. What do you think? Also, in some classes some projectors don`t work properly, and those people have been trying to fix them, but it was fruitless.
Well done. Sometimes we know what the reality is, but we don’t want to believe in it. I think that Mr. anonymous, you are one of those people who benefit from AUI-S, so you don’t want to say this article perfectly fist to the AUI-S IT Department.
Well done. Sometimes we know what the reality is, but we don’t want to believe in it. I think that Mr. anonymous, you are one of those people who benefit from AUI-S, so you don’t want to say this article perfectly fist to the AUI-S IT Department.
No an IT expert wont come from the US to Iraq for $1000 per month, these a fact that we all should respect! I wouldnt do it if i were an American!!! I wouldnt miss a month of my life in the US to come to this country and serve these people who do not appreciate anything!! we only talk about the small simple issues in our univeristy!
a nother big problem is that half of the computers are not working in the labs. who is fault? IT of AUIS as a whole? does not matter it should be fixed by employing more people or any other way. second students should act reponsibly by not leaving their account open while they are gone. this would deprive other students from using computers.
Dear Mr. Writer,
Well done for including all of the facts about the IT Department. Good work for revealing their carelessness during their work. There is one more issue that faces the students in the labs. This problem is when the printers run out of paper and you have to go to the third floor to get paper for the printer. I wonder what the IT stuff job is then. When I am on hurry, and I want to print my assignment, I find the printer out of paper, who is responsible for this? I go to IT department and they tell me go to the third floor and get papers for YOURSRLF, what is my job then, a student or an IT employee?! I go to the third floor heading to the office of the person in charge of the papers, and she is not there!!! What is your judgment?
Mr. Anonymous,
The American people are not the only intelligent people in the world. We , in Iraq and Kurdistan, have people who know more than those people who are from The US. The only difference is that people in Iraq and Kurdistan don`t have the chances that are available for people in the US.
I dont wanna seem anti feminist, but there are a couple of female employees in the IT Department who only are good at putting makeup and dressing fashionably to please our eyes. There is a serious lack of management and task distribution among the IT department staff.
One more thing, the types of software we have on the machines, are just worthless. The bureaucracy that the IT department presents when it is asked for something that is considered our right, is worse than the government agencies we talk about. I hope this change soon, with the new IT manager Mr. Omer.
dear Write:
what u have said is partly true but,,,,
please do not exaggerate the problem. we have a pretty IT stuff who are trying to do the best. abou labs, computers, and papers,,,, we have good labs with good working laptops, and Imagen how many students print daily and how many papers they us. so to keep printers full of paper we need to employee a guy just to fill it with paper every 2 or 3 hours :)))).
Even though I am not the writer of this article, what he wrote is perfectly right. Ms. Hazha you mentioned the word "exaggeration," but that is W/C. don`t get me wrong I don`t mean anything rude, I mean wrong word choice. Instead of bringing a guy to put papers into the printers every two of three hours, it is better for AUIS to bring papers to the computer labs.
“Flattery is all right so long as you don't inhale.” So, i think that flattering for AUIS is enough because it doesn`t mean that a flatterer is loyal. We art all responsible for keeping the university`s reputation, but we can`t do that by flattering. What we can do is taking actions and doing things practically. Thus, what is bad is bad, what is good is good.
"I dont wanna seem anti feminist, but there are a couple of female employees in the IT Department who only are good at putting makeup and dressing fashionably to please our eyes"
You don't seem anti-feminist at all. You seem like an idiot. This is sexist and offensive to all women at AUIS. How dare you write this? Some people care about the way they look. They might dress in a way you don't like. But these people are MEN AND WOMEN. Frankly, the people wearing tight clothes, fixing their hair, etc are MEN, not women. The fact that you single out the female IT staff is shameful.
Yes there are some females who are coming to AUI-S just for plying around not for their jobs I feel really really really... sorry about them! and Miss HAZHA you are always vice verse against any good ideas that students suggest.
why do you allow a personal attack against Hazha and delete others? Is it because she a woman?
That implies there is not such a system working accroding to meritocracy. The staff memebers have not meritted what they are obliged to do.
The IT deparment you attack has built you a new campus, and I hear they were focusing on that and didn't on purpuse fix the current building because this building is going to be returned.
Have you seen this; "IT HELP DESK"???? hhhhh it's just bullshit!
To flatter is to be idiot!!
unfortunately, It is very true
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