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Iraqi Network for Social Media ( INSM)

Dec 13, 2011

What hurts most?

By: Bahman HassanBy now, AUI-S students must be aware of the points that bother the AUI-S staff and faculty members. Perhaps, like everything else, AUI-Sians are getting angry by the university’s weak points. For us, “those of the blog “or...

“The Exam was too easy”

While some students were busy studying for their Statistics exam, some others were busy with how to get the questions. Finally, they could get the test and in few hours the test become in the hand of most of the students.Thus, before taking the...

AUI-S promises to solve Dorm Problems

On November29th, Leah McNally, Student Services Coordinator, had a meeting with the dorm students to listen to their problems. From the beginning of the fall semester, the dorms students have been suffering from many difficulties. Some of these problems...

Nov 26, 2011

AUIS Dorm Students Want to Take Action

AUIS dorm students meeting to discuss their issues last semester The American University of Iraq-Sulaimani's dorm students complain about the lack of some basic services such as electricity and want to take action. The AUIS boys staying at the dorm...

Nov 25, 2011

AUIS Students: یالله ارحل یا بشار

Student Eye publishes two video footage from the AUIS students's support for the Syrian revolution on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011.  On Thursday, November 17, 2011, a group of the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani students came together to support the ongoing Syrian revolution. The event which was hold in the meetings hall in the basement, saw...

Nov 24, 2011

Dr. Sarracino: AUIS Students have Better Employment Opportunities

Dr. Robert Sarracino, AUIS professor Dr. Robert Sarracino, the professor of Math and Sciences at the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani, told Student Eye that AUIS students have better chances to get hired in the companies. Dr. Sarracino, Dr....

Nov 21, 2011

Free Youth Movement: U.S. shouldn’t Imitate Middle East Dictators

California police putting pepper spray on students. Nov. 18,2011. The Iraqi Kurdistan based Free Youth Movement organization publishes a declaration announcing consolidation with the students demonstrations taking place in the United States of America....

Nov 20, 2011

AUIS Hosts Its First International Conference

 "Liberty, Democracy, and the New Realities of the Middle East and North Africa," is the name of the first international conference of the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani which will be held on AUIS campus Thursday, November 24 to Friday,...

Nov 19, 2011

AUIS Students' Syria Support Attracts Media Attention

A number of Arabic and Kurdish new channels, newspapers and websites published the news of the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani's support for the Syrian people. Speda channel, an Erbil based satellite channel, published a report on the...

Nov 17, 2011

Anti-Bashar Event at AUIS in Photos


AUIS Students: Down with Bashar Al-Assad

On Thursday, November 17, 2011, a group of the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani students came together to support the ongoing Syrian revolution. The event which was hold in the meetings hall in the basement, saw a great turnout from the AUIS students. AUIS...

Nov 15, 2011

Like Sarbast Majeed's Innovative Project on Youtube

Sarbat Majeed, an American University of Iraq-Sulaimani Information Technology student, is going to participate in an international competition on invention. Sarbast's innovative idea is on Youtube and it needs likes to get to the next...

AUIS Students Support Syrian Revoution

On this coming Thursday, November 17, 2011, the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani students will arrange an event in support of the Syrian revolution. The event will be hold at 12 pm in front of the main building of the new camp...

Nov 4, 2011

Alexander Lascaris, Came to Lecture, Caught up in Hot Discussions

Lascaris speaking to AUIS students. AUIS website photo Alexander Lascaris, U.S Consul General and the head of the Regional Reconstruction Team to Kurdistan,  made his first visit to the new campus of the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani...

Oct 24, 2011

First Democratic Elections Held at AUIS

On Sunday, October 23r, 2011, tens of students came together to elect the President and the executive body of the Engineering and Math club.  Due to the heated competition between the candidates prior to the day of elections,...

Oct 21, 2011

Breaking News: Fire at the AUI-S Boys Dormitory

The aftermath of playing with the fire extinguisher  On Tuesday, October 21st, 2011, at 1:30 am,  some AUIS dorm students in Raparin district near to the new campus, called for help after seeing thick smoke in their dormitory rooms. The...

Oct 20, 2011

Dana Khalid Nominated for the Math and Engineering Club Presidency

Dana Khalid while solving a Math problem in the old campus garden Dana Khalid, and AUI-S sophomore majoring Math and Engineering, is nominated to be the first president of the Math and Engineering club. On Sunday, October 23, 2011, the Math and Engineering...

Oct 7, 2011

Welcome back to College!

Student Eye staff has warm congratulations for all the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani students, both academic and APP. We hope that the new school year will be the right time for achieving some of what are trying to get. Student Eye starts a new phase of its activities with the beginning of the new school year hoping to help AUI-S students,...

Sep 27, 2011

AUI-S is ranked number one among private universities

In an assessment conducted by the KRG Higher Education ministry for Kurdistan Region’s private universities, the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani was ranked number one. However, as it was clearly stated in a report posted on xendan.org, affiliated...

Sep 10, 2011

Fun with AUIS "Beautiful Girls"

By Astios  One News and some Comments The News: AUIS Uses some Beautiful Girls at AUIS in its New Ads for the University A pessimist boy:Do we really have any beautiful girls at AUIS? Another girl:That is discrimination. AUIS shouldn't...