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Dec 13, 2011

AUI-S promises to solve Dorm Problems

On November29th, Leah McNally, Student Services Coordinator, had a meeting with the dorm students to listen to their problems. From the beginning of the fall semester, the dorms students have been suffering from many difficulties.
Some of these problems have been addressed, yet some are to be dealt with. In a letter sent to the dorm students, AUI-S Student Services Coordinator, happily informed students of the result of their meetings with the university. Here is the content of the letter:
I would like to follow up with all of you on the meeting that we had in the dorms on December 29th. I am happy to tell you that most of the major problems you mentioned during this meeting have been addressed and/or are in the process of being dealt with. Here is a summary of the action that has taken place since that meeting:
1. Internet - our IT Department is finalizing plans to install two Internet lounges (one on each floor of the dorm). The plan is to have this Internet operational by January 14, 2012.
 2. Electricity problems - a new generator has been installed and this weekend, the automatic switch will arrive, making the power outages much shorter. In the meantime, I am told that the new generator is working well. 
3. Construction noise - we are currently negotiating with the building owner to cease construction during evenings and weekends. 4.
Leaks - we have assessed the roofing of the building and sealed the problem areas.
5. Location - beginning in January, the university will provide a weekend shuttle to the bazaar and/or supermarket at no cost to you. Additionally, in the new year, we will announce plans for on campus housing to be completed by Fall 2012.
6. Food options - we are negotiating a plan for Fall 2012 housing options to include a food service in the evenings and on weekends.
7. Furniture - we have provided each apartment with 2 desks for studying.
8. Elevator - the situation has been assessed, and unfortunately the current elevator is beyond repair and we cannot realistically replace the current one. I apologize for any inconvenience that this causes you.
 9. Fire Escape - we are assessing the safety of the building and if a fire escape is necessary, we will move forward with this. 
I hope that the above actions that the university has taken have improved your overall quality of life in the dorms. The work is ongoing and we are doing our best to make things better for you.

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