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Iraqi Network for Social Media ( INSM)

May 23, 2012

Harming and Breaking Facilities at the University

Despite criticizing the university for the rooms have to be improved, we have to acknowledge that there are some mistakes done by the students. 

Unfortunately, today, I was provided that some students broke different things, such as holders in the WCs. I was not quite sure until I saw them on my eyes. 

I was surprised by seeing such things done by our students. I believe that our students are much more respectful and trust-worthier than doing such a job. This is not a university student’s job. 

I see Iraq and Kurdistan in the hand of our phenomenal students in the future, so how is it possible to see that done by the students?! 

We all have to feel responsible for the university’s’ facilities because they belong to us not to anyone else; by hurting them, we hurt ourselves. 

We, the students pay a portion of the money which is being spent to build this university, so why do we burn our money by ourselves? Unbelievable!? 

The pictures are eyewitnesses:






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