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Iraqi Network for Social Media ( INSM)

Apr 30, 2012

Wudel Will not Apologize to Smith

Dr. Darcy Wudel The Dean of Faculty of Americn University of Iraq Sulaimani. Today in a meeting with a group of IS students, Dr. Darcy Wudel, AUIS Dean of Faculty, avoids apologizing to Dr. Bryan Smith. This comes when a student...

Apr 29, 2012

Part I: The Tyranny of Wudel: Grazing is For the Obedient

by: Bahman A. Hassan Those who study politics and philosophy seriously lose when they practice “the knowledge they possess”. They, due to being over skeptic, lose reality to the illusory “matters”. They, those who want to be called...

Apr 10, 2012

Evaluate Dr.Robert Ssarracino

 Dr. Sarracino graduated from the University of Victoria with a Ph.D. in Physics (General Relativity). For a long time, Dr. Sarracino has taught courses in most branches of physics, and in selected areas of applied mathematics:...

Apr 3, 2012

Wrong Behaviors Follow by Strict Policies

 By: Bahman Hassan In order to reduce students’ waste of its resources, starting form spring semester, AUIS has decided to charge students for printing services. This policy made many angry, yet it comes rightly to serve a true purpose. Students...

Apr 1, 2012

Clothing Donation for the Qalawa Refugee

There are always some people who need our help, and we can save them easily if we want to. This is the time.  Ms. Rachel and Mr. Geoffrey are going to hold an event to donate the Qalawa refugee camp.  For additional...