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Iraqi Network for Social Media ( INSM)

Mar 31, 2012

Fun with AUIS!

By Asitos Sentences are not related!! # Asitos has a teacher in the APP program. His teacher with a soft and proud smile told him in class to not write negative points while evaluating him in the end of the...

Mar 29, 2012

Evaluate Professor Richard Laribee

  Richard Laribee is one of the professors at the American University of Iraq Sulaimnai. Professor Laribee is well-known for his nice manner with the students, and students are in love with hi classes because of his...

Mar 27, 2012

AUIS Film Series Starts

On March 27, 2012, the American University of Iraq Sulaimani is going to open its first Film Series.  According to an email sent by Dr Darcy Wudel, the Dean of Faculty,  AUIS will show its first film today, and Mr. Wudel is...

Mar 26, 2012

Three AUIS Dorms’ Students Stuck in the Elevator!!

Today, three AUIS dormitory students, whi do not want to publicize thier names, stuck in the elevator of the dorms for 5 minutes. One of the students who was in the elevator said that he was about suffocating, but...

"States Sovereignty and the Responsibility to Protect"

  Today, Monday 26 March, Mr. Sokol Kondi, Manager of the Regional Head Office of the UN in the Kurdistan Region, lectured on "States Sovereignty and the Responsibility to Protect.” After giving a brief...

Mar 20, 2012

Happy Nawro

 Happy Nawroz to all of the AUIS members, including students and faculty, and we hope you enjoy it! ...

Mar 15, 2012

The Story of a Son Who Found His Real Family after 22 years from himself, Zmnako Muhammad

Zmnako Muhammad is from Hallabg. Zmnako was taken by the Iranian soldiers to Iran on March, 16 1988, and he has lost his family except his mom. Zmnako has written the below story.  Dandelion        ...

Mar 6, 2012

Voting for Your Friends will be Appreciated!

After announcing that the Global Case Challenge, an international organization, is offering $ 1million for helping underprivileged children in the new developed countries, a group of AUIS students participated to challenge this...

Mar 3, 2012

May God Bless Your Souls

With a deep sorrow, we heard the news of killing teacher Jeremiah Small, in the Media Private School, and his student Bayer Sarwar; our compassion for this loss goes to all of their members of their families, and we hope that their souls...

A Clarification

Unfortunately, some people are trying to take advantages from our gathering on Thursday at the American university of Iraq Sulaimani near to the cafeteria by saying that we, students, were insulting the others because a teacher...