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Iraqi Network for Social Media ( INSM)

Sep 27, 2011

AUI-S is ranked number one among private universities

In an assessment conducted by the KRG Higher Education ministry for Kurdistan Region’s private universities, the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani was ranked number one. However, as it was clearly stated in a report posted on xendan.org, affiliated...

Sep 10, 2011

Fun with AUIS "Beautiful Girls"

By Astios  One News and some Comments The News: AUIS Uses some Beautiful Girls at AUIS in its New Ads for the University A pessimist boy:Do we really have any beautiful girls at AUIS? Another girl:That is discrimination. AUIS shouldn't...

Melanie Standish was not Ready to Say Goodbye to the Student Eye Staff

Melanie Standish, the expelled head of International Programs and Exchanges office at AUIS, excludes Student Eye staff from her farewell email. Standish, who was under severe criticism from AUIS students due to allegations of favoritism and...

Melanie and Harrigan Expelled, Last Moment Accounts of Their Departure

Both James Harrigan, former AUIS dean of students, and Melanie Standish, former head of International Programs and Exchanges office were expelled by the AUI-S administration in the summer. Melanie, who was described by some students as...

Sep 1, 2011

Happy Ramadan Eid Everyone !
