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Iraqi Network for Social Media ( INSM)

Apr 27, 2011

AUI-S Labs: No Comment


Apr 26, 2011

Future Leaders Should be Responsible Now

by Mahdi Abdullah Murad  Kurdistan is going through very difficult times. Every day we hear about the sad news coming from the different parts of Kurdistan. I won't take much of your time by counting the atrocities and violations of human rights...

Apr 25, 2011

"Iraqi Wikileaks" Speaks about Student Eye

غار عشتار (Ishtar Cave), an Iraqi blog defining itself as a the place for "Iraqi documents in Arabic" speaks about Student Eye blo...

Apr 20, 2011



Student Eye apologizes for publishing a comment which asked for "physical" action against some of the AUI-S faculty members. Student Eye has tried to remove any comment that containts swear words and demands for violence. That comment was slipped through due to the large number of comments we receieved on that particular article. Student Eye apologzies...

Apr 18, 2011

A Chaptarized Generation: Future Iraqi leaders

by: Bahman AbdulrahmanFor a long time AUI-S has accused students of plagiarism, but no one mentioned the university’s violation of Copyright laws. Ironically, since ...

Apr 14, 2011

AUI-S Takes Over Microsoft's Imagine Cup, The Hawks Beat Everyone to Represent Kurdistan in New York

The American University of Iraq-Sulaimani won Imagine Cup's first, second and fourth places yesterday, April 12, 2011. After two months of nonstop preparations, fourth teams from AUI-S reached Erbil to participate in Microsoft's Imagine Cup competitions....

Apr 13, 2011

Geoffrey Gresk: AUI-S Students are the Reason Why We Should Stay in Iraq

by: Geoffrey Gresk Today, almost eight years after George Bush delivered his “Mission Accomplished” speech, angry citizens protested in Sulaimani. This follows a protest the day before. And the day before that.  And the day before...

Apr 11, 2011

The Mysterious Man; I wish He was Smoking!

by: Bahman Abdulrahman I believe we all agree that smoking is bad but not always, at least at AUI-S. We are lucky that the Dean of the Students is a smoker, in fact a chain smoker. You can have him hearing your problems while he is smoking in front of...

Apr 8, 2011

International Programs and Exchanges Office Fails in Its First Test

Melani Standish - AUI-S Voice's photo  This year, only four students from the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani were accepted by Iraqi Young Leaders and Exchanges Program remarking a failure to the International Programs and Exchanges Office...

Is that all What IT Department can do?

by: Karwan Gaznay Sometimes when we talk about something, which is arguable, is hard to be believed, but when the realty occurs to you personally, then there is nothing can refute your concepts. This real example occurred to me, once I had...

Apr 7, 2011

Fun With AUI-S (A Short Interview)

By ASTIOS ?What is recessionIt is when you go to Erbil by bus, play with Ishk college's soccer team and looseWhat is depression?It is when you go to Erbil by bus, play with Ishk college's soccer team and loose 1...

Apr 5, 2011

Money Talks (4): The Unspoken Discrimination

Some of the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani students are sponsored and paid all the tuition fees necessary. Those who are sponsored are not required to get more than 2.0 GPA. So these students have the best chance to pass classes easily without bothering even to stu...

Apr 3, 2011

A letter from Student Eye

Dear all, We, as Student Eye staff, feel necessary to inform AUI-S students and faculty members to be conscious. Since, we still  support peaceful social activism; we call for a higher level of consciousne...

Apr 2, 2011

AUI-S Asks a Website to Remove an Anti-AUI-S Article

Dr. Athanasios Moulakis, the provost of the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani, has asked the Salon website to remove an anti-AUI-S article.  The article, which is written by Russ Baker Kristina Borjesson, is described as, "ultimately...

Apr 1, 2011

AUI-S Faculty in Numbers: Surprsing Facts about Our Teachers

According to a research conducted by a special team of Student Eye only 4 faculty members out of 55 have a degree from one of America's top 10 universities. The research also showed that 9 faculty members are without a PhD and teaching at the Academic...