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Iraqi Network for Social Media ( INSM)

Feb 28, 2011

Student Eye is not Responsible for Kurdistanpost's News

Kurdistanpost.com, a famous Kurdish website, has published a "declaration by some AUI-S students" threatening the administration with a strike if AUI-S didn't respond to their demands. While we are not related to that group of students and we don't care if there is such a group or not, the news has shown Student Eye's news as their sources. We want...

Feb 24, 2011

One Night for Freedom

by Dana Jaf  I began calling people to stay at Bardarki Sara, after Faruq Rafiq ended the demonstration there. I criticized him for being unclear about what he wanted. I asked the youth there not to leave Sera to any other place. Unfortunately,...

Feb 23, 2011

Some Students Reject Their New Instructors Before Taking Their Classes

 Tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011, will be the last day of the fall semester. Students are taking their last final exams, and they are patiently waiting for final grades. While we congratulate AUI-S students, we wish you all the best with...

Feb 21, 2011

Student Eye: Thanked it's supporters and calls for calm and reasonable steps

We are all nothing but free speech thirsty individuals; thus, whenever there is a threat to our simple and worthwhile philosophy, we will speak up and support the enfeebled needy one. While we congratulate our readers and ourselves on releasing Dana...

AUI-S asked to postpond the student's meeting to support Dana

Dear all, Although it was planned to have a meeting  to support Dana Newzer today at 11 am, we announce that the meeting is postponed to an indefinite time. This decision is based on a request from the Academic Dean of the Students. Dr. James Harrigian,...

AUI-S Students are going to start actions to free Dana

Under the Slogan, "We are all Dana. Free him or we will all come to the prison." Tomorrow at 11 am , a group of the AUI-S Students in front of the main building of the AUI-S are going to gather together take actions to help Dana be fre...

Feb 20, 2011

Dana Nawzer, the founder of the Studnet Eye, is arrested!

Dana Newzer A source that witnessed the event told Student Eye that a  group of youths that their numbers were about a hundred wanted to make Sara Square a Kurdish Tahrir Sqaure, so they started a campaign there. Their first activity was praying....

Feb 19, 2011

Famous Kurdish Intellectual Attacks AUI-S on Air

Faruq Rafiq, a famous Kurdish intellectual who lead the demonstrations in Sulaimani today, spoke to a Kurdish satellite channel Saturday night.  He attacked the Kurdish leaders and their supposed achievement...

AUI-S Students Made History: Havin Osman and Renass Hassan Give Flowers to the Security Forces

Havin Osman while giving the red rose to the security forces on Saturday, Feb. 19, 2011 A scene repeated in Tunisia and Egypt before, and seen again in Kurdistan today.  Demonstrators for peace and freedom show their love for their country and...

AUI-S Students are not Ready for the Final Exams

This is a message to the AUI-S administration, Under the current security situation in Sulaimani, AUI-S students, especially those living in Sulaimani are not ready to enter the final exams tomorrow. The mental conditions we live in doesn't allow us to concentrate on the exams. We are a part of the events and we cannot ignore what is going on these...

Robert Sarracino: A Professor Loved by his Students

Dr. Sarracino Last week, a group of  Dr. Robert Sarracino's students started a kind of campaign on Facebook to show their love and admiration for professor Sarracino.  Robert Sinclair Sarracino, 64 years old, wears a grey hat for most of...

Feb 18, 2011

Sulaimani is not Secure: Students Ask AUI-S to Postpone Final Exams

KDP Hammer on Salm street Friday Morning  After the bloody events of yesterday, some AUI-S students ask the administration to postpone the final exams for a week.  The students, mostly from cities outside Sulaimani, are forced by their families...

Feb 17, 2011

Bloody Day in Sulaimani... 1 Killed, 40 Injured

After ending a demonstration in the center of the city, tens of demonstrators headed towards Kurdistan Democratic Party headquarters in Sulaimani throwing stones at the building.  The guards fired back at the demonstrators with live bullets killing...

Feb 16, 2011

Student Eye Publishes Contract of First AUI-S Chancellor: $1000,000 Insurance, $320,000 Salary, $250,000 bonus

Dr. Owen Cargol Student Eye has reached a document which is a signed contract between the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani and Dr. Owen Cargol, first AUI-S chancellor.  According to the contract, Dr. Owen Cargol would be given $1000,000...

Head of KRG IT Department to have a Lecture at AUI-S Tomorrow

Botan Mahmud Osman Botan Osman, the head of Kurdistan Regional Government's Information Technology department, will visit AUI-S and give a lecture on Thursday, February 17, 2011.  The event, which is organized by ASITA club, will be held at...

Feb 15, 2011

Dr. Shareef: If Reforms and Economic Success Continue, KRG will Gain more Credibility

Dr. Muhammad Sahreef Interviewer: Shalaw Fatah  •          What do you think about the current mode of relations between KRG and Washington? Is it guaranteed or just conversational? The current relationship...

Feb 13, 2011

AUI-S Student Brings 35 Couples Together

Aryan Barzan Aryan Barzan, a Business Administration junior student at the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani, delivered a speech to 35 new couples on Sunday, Feb. 13, 2011.  Qaywan company, represented by the AUI-S student in the ceremony,...

Dr. Floyd: Nowhere are the Winds of Change more Noticeable than Here in Sulaimani

Dr. Floyd while signing a book  Dr. Randall Floyd, a professor of American History at the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani, writes an op-ed to a local newspaper at his hometown back in U.S.  Dr. Floyd points out to the historical importance...

Feb 10, 2011

Egyptian Protesters Thank AUI-S Students for Their Support

Our friends; the people of Iraqi Kurdistan, Your concern and hope are most appreciated by the Egyptian people. The Egyptian people now can stand bullets, tear gases, and being beaten to death but they can not stand tyranny no more...

Feb 8, 2011

No Country for Weak Men

by Dana Jaf  Injustice is when the laws don't apply to everyone, every time and everywhere.  Injustice stinks! And I can smell this bad odor right n...

Feb 7, 2011

Step Down Dictator, Shouted AUI-S Students Supporting Egyptian Youth

On Sunday, February 6, 2011, a group of AUI-S students arranged a meeting for manifestation of support for the Egyptian youth.  The group, acting in the name of Free Youth Movement, started the public meeting at 2:30 pm.&nbs...

Feb 4, 2011

On Sunday, We Will Stand for Freedom

he American University of Iraq-Sulaimani students will demonstrate peacefully on Sunday, February 6 to show their support for the Egyptian freedom-fighters.  The meeting will be held at 2:30 pm in front of the main building, AUI-S campus.&nb...

Feb 3, 2011

Egyptian Youth Fight for Freedom, Let's Show Our Support on Sunday

The American University of Iraq-Sulaimani students will demonstrate peacefully on Sunday, February 6 to show their support for the Egyptian freedom-fighters.  The meeting will be held at 2:30 pm in front of the main building, AUI-S campu...

Feb 2, 2011

On Teaching Practices and Academic Quality Control

Sarbast Majeed  by Sarbast Majeed  We all know that AUI-S is a high-standardized academic institution. We all know that our professors and instructors are, with all confidence, good at their jobs, teaching methods, skills, and other educational...

After Student Eye's Report, Someone Pays Dorm Tuitions for 10 Students

A source from Student Affairs office told Student Eye that someone has paid dorm tuitions for 10 AUI-S students. The generous person, who had preferred to reman anonymous, gave an amount of money to the Studen Affairs office to pay dorm tutitions...

Student Newspaper Asks Dr. Moulakis Stupid Questions!

Gashapedan, Kurdish for development, a student newspaper published by a group of Human Development University conducts an interview with Dr. Anathasios Moulakis, AUI-S provost. The interview, which is more of an interrogation, asks a very stupid question....