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Iraqi Network for Social Media ( INSM)

Jan 31, 2011

Our Teachers Wrote (1) : Dr. E. Randall Floyd

Dr. E. Randall Floyd, the professor of American History of our university, who also teaches Fines Arts this semester, is the author of several books. Dr. Floyd is also a motion screenplay writer and a syndicated newspaper columnist....

Money Talks (3) : Rich and Poor

American University of Iraq-Sulaimani is a private university, which means that there is nothing such as a free lunch at AUI-S.Students who come to AUI-S, even those on scholarship, know that there is a monetary price on the education they get. So it...

Jan 30, 2011

What is AUI-S’ Policy for Students who Avoid Class and Get Away Clean?

By Dara AliBy following an approach to education that has a long and rich tradition in the United States, the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani is recognized as a prestigious, internationally well-known academic institution where hundreds of students...

Jan 29, 2011

Student Eye Supports Aspirations of Egyptian Youth

Mubarak the Dictator, under young people's shoes&nbs...

Jan 27, 2011

Several AUI-S Students among First Successful IYLEP Nominees

A group of IYLEP 2009 students from AUI-S The Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program announced the first group of the successful IYLEP nominees. After 20 days of waiting, the first successful IYLEP nominees were announce...

Dr. Harrigan Warns, Academic Students Shouldn't Use EWPLI Teachers

Dr. James Harrigan The academic students at the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani are getting help from the language program teachers, and the Dean asks them not t...

Jan 26, 2011

Money Talks (2) : Sponsorship

Some of the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani students are sponsored and paid all the tuition fees necessary. Those who are sponsored are not required to get  more than 2.0 GPA. So these students have the best chance to pass classes easily without...

Jan 25, 2011

AUI-S Students Publish Hiwa in English

A number of volunteer youths decided to publish their first independent newspaper. Hiwa, a monthly independent newspaper will publish its first series in February. The newspaper will be in English. The group of students who pioneered are from the American...

Jan 24, 2011

Why did AUI-S do this to Her? Read Daloye's Last Day at AUI-S

Student Eye was the first media to announce the real reasons behind the sudden departure of Dashnye Daloye, the former Student Affairs director. Now, it provides its readers with a moment-by-moment account of Miss Daloye's last day at the American University...

Student Eye Exclusive: First Millionaire at AUI-S

A source, which wants to keep its ID anonymous, told Student Eye that one of the AUI-S administrators is a millionaire. The source also said that the millionaire administrator has arrived recently. The millionaire is also male not fema...

Iraqi Higher Education Ministry has not Recognized AUI-S

After four years on the establishment of the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani, the Ministry of Higher Education of Iraq has not recognized AUI-S. ...

Jan 23, 2011

Struggle for Independence: From AUI-S Times to Student Eye

by Dana Jaf  After long talks with my friend Aryan, one of the most enthusiastic people I have known, I proposed the name for the organization we established together, "Students for Change". We went room by room calling for a meeting that night....

Jan 22, 2011

Money Talks (1) : Salaries

This is the first report of a series of reports that Student Eye has prepared on the financial problem of the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani.  The American University of Iraq-Sulaimani as an academic institution with a large foreign...

The South Eastern Cabin: the Government of My Corrupted Class

by: Bahman Abdulrahman                                                   “Let’s keep it simple, but not too simplistic”  Bahman...

Jan 21, 2011

Let's Get Ready, 100 are Coming!

by Mahdi Abdullah Murad  Mahdi A. Murad Last week, Timothy Doyle told us that AUI-S will be accepting another 100 students for the spring semester. Indeed AUI-S should be the home for the brilliant students of this country, but can THIS AUI-S...

Jan 20, 2011

A Call for the AUI-S Community: Donate to the Refugee

AUI-S Student Drive for the Qalawa Refugee Camp Please Donate Clothing, Blankets or Cas...

Be Prepared! Three Earthquakes Hit Sulaimani in 24 Hours

In the last 24 hours, three earthquakes hit Sulaimani. The first earthquake hit at 7:47 pm with with a magnitude of 3.4 Richter. The second earthquake hit at 5:51 am with a magnitude of 3.3 Richter. The third one hit at 11:47 am on Richter scale....

AUI-S Said 'No' to Her, Dashnye Daloye Left Sad

The American University of Iraq-Sulaimani has not renewed the contract with Dashnye Daloye, the director of the Students Affairs. Dashnye Daloye, who was the director of the Student Affairs for more than 3 years, said goodbye to AUI-S community in an...

Jan 19, 2011

Another Crowd Admitted by AUI-S for No Reason. Student Eye Reveals the Truth

Timothy Doyle- Xendan.org Timothy Doyle, Director of AUI-S Enrollment Management, announced the admission of 100 more students for the spring semester. This announcement came during a press conference held by AUI-S on Monday, Jan 17, 2011 for the...

Dashnye Daloye: Goodbye AUI-S

After 3 years of working as the head of the Student Affairs department at the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani, Dashnye Daloye leaves AUI-S."Today is my last day at AUI-S, and I want to tell everyone that it has been a pleasure knowing you all,"...

Jan 17, 2011

Peshawa Ahmed Starts AUI-S Business Club

Peshawa Ahmed,22, from Halabja His first encounters with English books were at AUI-S. He was reading Andrew Ross Sorkin's Too Big to Fail. He always looked to see new changes in the great world of business. He watched Al Jazeera's Counting the Cost,...

Student Eye Apologizes to Dr. Hemin Omer Latif, AUI-S IT Professor

On Friday14, 2011, Student Eye published “No AUI-S Faculty was There... 'Home' was Shown in Kurdish.” The news said, "no member of the AUI-S faculty attended the event." The event was the presentation of the 'Home' documentary in Kurdish translated...

Fun with AUI-S (Funny Pictures)

What are these people doing...

Jan 16, 2011

Ladies First!

By Karwan Gaznay  The rational, Ladies First, is not really native to my country’s blood, but “brilliant” students at AUIS follow it because they are treated as American students in the States, imaginably. Moreover, some fancy that by using this...

AUI-S Security: No Terrorists Arrested Near Manolya

A scene of the street where Manolya is located An AUI-S security official told Student Eye that there has been no incident of arresting terrorists near Manolya, one of the four AUI-S dormitories.  "After the news was published in Student Eye,...

Muhammad Burnt himself, What can We do?

Muhammad Bouazizi burnt himself for his dignity and freedom by Dana Jaf Muhammad Bouazizi was a Tunisian college graduate. He had a bachelor degree in computer science, but he was selling vegetables on the streets of Sidi Bouzid. He never complained...

Jan 14, 2011

Evaluate Your Teacher: Dr. Carl Caldwell

Dr. Carl Caldwell- Anderson Univerity photo A short biography of Dr. Carl Caldwell - Dr. Carl H. Caldwell was born in West Virginia, United States of America. - He graduated from Anderson College in 1966. He got his master in history from Ohio...

No AUI-S Faculty was There... 'Home' was Shown in Kurdish

 A documentary translated by an AUI-S student says that planet Earth is in real danger. Home, an hour and half long documentary produced by Yann Arthus Bertrand, was shown on Friday, Jan 14, at Roshnibi Hall in Sulaimani.&nbs...

Jan 13, 2011

Fun with AUI-S (Why are We Here?)

By Astios Photo: Chris De Bruyn Most of the AUI-S students are here for quite normal reasons. For example, some of them have not gotten a good degree, so guess what? AUI-S accepts less than fifty. On the other hand, some are here  because they...

Jan 12, 2011

Student Eye Reveals for the First Time: Three of the Terrorists were Caught in front of the Manolya Dormitory

Few days before Christmas, the security forces in Sulaimani arrested a group of suspected terrorists. The terrorists all where from the provinces outside Kurdistan Regional Government.  Asaysh, the formal security force in Kurdistan, said that all...

AUI-S Student Presents 'Home' in Kurdish

Kosar in front of an announcementfor his event on AUI-S campus Kosar Osman Chewar, an Information Technology Junior at the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani, translates "Home" a documentary made by Yann Arthus-Bertrand to Kurdis...

Jan 11, 2011

AUI-S: One Long Year of backward-looking

by Bahman Abdulrahman This post, however, is long in outward; it is the reflection of one year at the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani. Although, it may contain lethal truth that the university intensively tries to cover them, I hope this will help...

Jan 9, 2011

Again, Freedom of Speech!

by Dana Jaf Four months ago, on the second day we started this blog, Student Eye, I wrote an article explaining the philosophy behind the blog. I wrote there, "AUI-S students should start to tear down the walls in front of their freedoms made by themselves....