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Iraqi Network for Social Media ( INSM)

Dec 30, 2010

We Need to be Aware! Security Forces in Sulaimani Call for Awareness

According to some information given by a source to Student Eye blog, there are serious security threats in Sulaimani. After the arrest of the terrorist group in Sulaimani, security forces call for ultimate awareness. As the only Student Eye blog, we advise all the AUI-S students, faculty and staff to be aware these days. There might be some attempts...

Dec 15, 2010

Winter Break Starts... How to Spend a Great Break?

The winter break starts tomorrow, December 16, 2010 at the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani. After 10 weeks of classes, finally the AUI-S faculty and students go to the winter break. The break will continue until January 9, 2010....

Dec 11, 2010

Dr. Denise Natali Leaves AUI-S

 Dr. Denise Natali. Photo: metimes.com  Dr. Denise Natali, the former Academic Dean of Students and the current head of the Research Centers of  the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani, leaves AUI-S. According to a source, Dr. Denise...

Dec 6, 2010

Liberal Arts: The Present Future and the Absent Now

by Bahman Abdulrahman HassanWe have been suggested to feel indebted. As after long years of fighting, AUI-S, a liberal university is founded on our land. I did ask, yet insisting on my questions.  Is it really a liberal university? Or what are the liberal arts institutions? In this region, all political, fiscal and educational methods borrowed...

Happy New Year


Dec 4, 2010

AUI--S Dorm Students Relieved: Rona Motel is Good and Manolya Hotel is Getting Better

by Mahdi Abdullah Murad After the shocking reports of Stuednt Eye blog on the bad situation of AUI-S dorm students at Manolya Hotel, the AUI-S Administration, mainly Dr. James Harrigan, the Academic Dean of Students, decided to take action....

Dec 3, 2010

Evaluate Your Teacher: Dr. Hemin Omer Latif

Dr. Hemin Omer Latif While we insist on expanding our evaluation page, we will continue with the IT Department instructors. In this, and Future posts we eagerly want to build a bridge between students and instructors and help the students to express...

Dec 1, 2010

Dr. Owen Cargol: The People Who Governed AUI-S were Silly Boys not Responsible Men

Dr. Owen Cargol, the first chancellor of the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani. calls the AUI-S administration and some members of the Board of Trustees as "silly" and "irreposnbile". In a special interview with Dr. Cargol, who left the university...